Strategic Planning Committee

Strategic Planning Committee Membership and Terms

November 17, 2011

Appointments by position

  • Vice President for Planning and Engagement/Chief Strategy Officer (co-chair)
  • *Faculty Co-Chair
  • AVP, Administrative Affairs
  • *University Assessment Director
  • *Director of Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
  • Admissions Representative
  • Administrative Director of Advising Center
  • Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education and Student Support Services
  • *IFO President
  • *IFO Past-President
  • *IFO President-Elect
  • *CARE Representative
  • *Chair of Liberal Education Program Committee

Bargaining Units

  • IFO (10: one representative from each college and school: HBS, SoE, SoPA, SoHHS, SoTA, SoCEE, Special Services, COSE; two representatives from CLA) (total faculty including *appointment by position = 18)
  • MMA (2)
  • MAPE (2)
  • AFSCME (2)
  • MSUAASF (2)

Student Representation: (3, one-year term)
MnSCU Administrators: (4)
Student Life & Development (2)

Definition of a Quorum: 40% of filled positions. Decisions are made by consensus. By this we mean no more than five (5) dissenters to an official motion.


  • Term of appointment is three (3) years, except for appointment by position and student Starting Spring 2012, the committee will be reconstituted and Terms will be staggered, with subsequent terms beginning in the Fall. Each bargaining unit shall determine the method of staggering terms.
  • All terms begin in the Fall. Any activities that occur in the summer shall include members from the previous academic
  • Individuals can be reappointed after serving a three (3) year
  • Members appointed based on position held are members as long as they are in that
  • Minutes and recommendations can be approved by email


  • There is a total of two (2) co-chairs
  • One co-chair is by appointment by position (Vice President for Planning and Engagement/Chief Strategy Officer).
  • Faculty co-chair is elected by the Strategic Planning Committee
  • The co-chair elect is chosen by the committee from the current Strategic Planning Committee IFO membership.
  • The FA will replace the representative from which the Faculty co-chair is
  • The Faculty co-chair shall serve a two-year term. The election shall occur in the Fall the year before the term begins to give programs maximum ability to plan for any change in teaching