Environmental / Occupational Safety and Health

On-line Safety Training

St. Cloud State is faced with the challenge of effectively training our workforce.  Assigning required training, tracking who needs training, who has 完成 training, whose training is past due, generating management reports, certificated of completion and more is required. St. Cloud State University has provided this training portal our employees are able to click on a link to connect to the training form this website.

Our web-based interactive training makes full use of interactive multimedia.  Our delivery method allows our workers to access the training from any GMW, Facilities Management, or supervisor PC connected to the Internet.  It uses full-motion video to teach the concepts.  All of the titles include course interactions that actively involve the learner in the instruction.  Lesson interactions provide the learner opportunities to apply what he or she has learned.  The computer assesses the learner’s level of understanding of all learning objectives.  When the learner answers a question incorrectly the computer provides remedial instruction and reviews the material until the learner can answer correctly.  All questions in the course are fully narrated.  Narrations enhance comprehension and are welcome support for learners with reading skill deficits and when English is the learner’s second language. St. Cloud State can add languages other than English and have many 课程 in Spanish and French. 

These training programs feature:

  • Powerful learner controls and interactions- gives learners’ control over the pace and direction of the training.  Controls include: skip forward; skip backward, 反向播放, 快进, 术语表, and a video topical index.
  • Narrated questions – the system highlights the words as it needs them to help students that may need help with comprehension.
  • Narrated presentation- each course features full motion video and all of the course presentations are narrated.

Below are the instructions for access to the training website. Attached are PDF files with the individual and group training schedules along with the scheduled due dates of completion. We need to make a effort to meet these completion dates. These completion dates will ensure we meet our OSHA compliance obligations.

Instructions for Completing Online Safety Training

  • 登录 榆树 System (elmprogramcompletionguide.pdf)
  • 选择 我的学习 option under Quick Links
    • 使用 我的学习 to complete training you are registered for.
  • Access 课程 or 认证
    • 从你的 我的学习 页,选择 课程 or 认证 link to access the assigned 课程 in the program. Go here each time you want to check your progress on the requirements of the program.
  • Complete Required Courses in the Program  (After clicking on the program link you will see your list of assigned 课程)
    • 选择 发射 button to initiate 课程 with the status of 没有登记.
    • No 发射 button will display for 登记 or 正在进行的 课程.
    • 当你有 完成 a requirement, the course option will no longer display from the program link.
    • After clicking the 发射 button, you will be brought to another page to complete the 发射. 
    • 点击 发射 link to start the course, which will open in a new tab.  (Note:  Anytime you launch a course it will open in a new tab).
    • After completing the course, you can close that tab to return to 榆树.  榆树 will track your progress in a course if you leave and re-launch the course later.
    • Repeat these steps to complete each course assigned to the program.
  • 发射ing 登记, 正在进行的, or Completed eLearning
    • 我的学习 page, you can launch eLearning if a blue 发射/播放图标 显示.
    • The icon will be missing if the course is closed (no launch icon will display for an in-person training).
  • Technical Troubleshooting
    • Your workstation and web browser must be set up correctly for the course to play and record completion.
      • Turn off Pop-up Blocker (common problem in Chrome).
      • Allow Flash to run if prompted.
      • If you experience issues, logout and try logging into Self Service from a different browser.
        • Ex: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer.
      • Work with the Helpdesk and review the 状态’s Technical Help Guide if you continue to experience issues.
      • 联系 榆树.Helpdesk@MinnState.edu 有问题的.